Sunday 26 May 2013

Introducing Acupressure Therapy

Why Acupressure Therapy? 

My parents had always been fascinated with books on health sciences, especially Ayurveda and Acupressure therapy. This gave me a wide exposure to the acupressure therapy as the principles of the same were applied on various ailments at home. Whether it was cold and cough or fever, from smaller ailments to major ones, we have always resorted to points of acupressure in identifying the troubling parts which has proved to be very effective.

Acupressure Therapy & Acupressure Points

On exploring more, I came to know that this therapy originates from a Traditional Chinese Medicines€™ Theory. It was extensively used in India more than 3000 years ago. The reason why I am writing this blog is because I want the world to know the wonders of this magical therapy. It actually helped me in the process of quitting tobacco. Once or twice a week, I will come up with new acupressure points for various ailments and I do hope that my viewers would share the same with their family and friends. But, before I proceed, I would like to explain the acupressure therapy in detail.

Nature is our creator and acupressure therapy is one of the cherished gifts by our mother nature. For every problem, there is a solution within the problem. And, our body is no exception. Nature has designed our bodies in a manner that if something goes wrong or is problematic, you will always have the wonders of acupressure as your savior.

It is truly said that, "Health is Wealth", as you will be able to live your life at your heart's content if you are healthy. Being healthy, you will be able to strike a balance between work-life and home. A healthy person is the one who has a complete hold over his/her physical and mental health.

We have so many gifts of nature around us namely sun, light, air, water and many others which we utilize for our various life processes. Similarly, acupressure is one such gift, which if utilized in an appropriate manner, will work wonders for our body, mind, and soul.

We will always be thankful from the bottom of our hearts to all the sages who discovered the touching points in our hands and feet, and thus helping us in understanding the needs of our bodies. Also, I would like to make a special mention to all those who have been successful in preserving the wonders of this science.

"Prevention is Better than Cure". So, I would recommend to check out the acupressure points, which I will be showing in the upcoming blogs, before taking any medicines, You could in fact know which body part is suffering or not functioning well by pumping slightly on the points associated with those body parts.

Many minor ailments have been reported to vanish away with the help of this magical therapy.

1 comment:

  1. Some people deal with acupressure therapy coz they do believe that it helps for their health.-acupressure therapy San Luis Obispo-
